Fortner Life After Pentecost is an 85 chapter commentary on Acts by Don Fortner (Baptist, Calvinist-Reformed). These are shorter doctrinal explanations and observations on the text. They are excellent.
Life After Pentecost
by Don S. Fortner
This is an 85 chapter commentary on Acts by Don Fortner (Baptist, Calvinist-Reformed). These are shorter doctrinal explanations and observations on the text. They are excellent.
Chapter Content
1. “Ye Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me”
2. “This Same Jesus”
3. Faithful But Fallible Leaders
4. “What Meaneth this?”
5. Pentecost – the Revelation of the Sovereign Christ
6. “Both Lord and Christ”
7. “The Lord Added to the Church”
8. “Such as I Have Give I Thee”
9. A Lesson in Preaching the Gospel
10. “The Prince of Life”
11. The Name That is Above All Names
12. What Does My Life Say About Christ?
13. The Church in Prayer
14. Grace, Generosity, and Greed
15. What Happens When a Church Member Falls?
16. The Persecution of God’s Church
17. “A Prince and a Savior”
18. “Counted Worthy to Suffer”
19. The First Seven Deacons
20. Stephen – a Faithful Servant
21. A Sermon That Cost a Preacher His Life
22. Stephen and Saul
23. Is Your Heart Right in the Sight of God
24. Five Gospel Truths Illustrated
25. Saul’s Conversion – an Example of Grace
26. Saul Joins the Church
27. A Man Named Aenas and a Woman Named Dorcas
28. Cornelius – a Man of Faith
29. Preachers and Their Hearers
30. “Not So, Lord”
31. “God is No Respecter of Persons”
32. “He Commanded Us to Preach”
33. Peter’s Defense Before His Brethren
34. “The Disciples Were Called Christians”
35. A Lesson in Giving
36. The Good Providence of Our God
37. The Work to Which God Has Called Us
38. The Message of the Gospel
39. Our Labor is Not in Vain
40. Two Faithful Gospel Preachers
41. The Conference at Jerusalem
42. Gospel Purification
43. “We Believe”
44. A Spirit Filled Ministry
45. The Macedonian Call
46. “A Certain Woman Named Lydia”
47. Why Were Paul and Silas Imprisoned?
48. “Believing in God with All His House”
49. Three Weeks in Thessalonica
50. Those Noble Bereans
51. “The Unknown God”
52. God, Man, and the Day of Judgment
53. Paul’s Ministry at Corinth
54. Apollos – the Alexandrian Orator
55. “Come Out from Among Them”
56. “So Mightily Grew the Word of God and Prevailed”
57. The Uproar at Ephesus – a Lesson in Divine Providence
58. Hurrying to Jerusalem with the Gospel
59. Paul’s Farewell Message to the Ephesian Elders
60. Five Christian Graces
61. “Take Heed”
62. “The Will of the Lord Be Done”
63. Surrender
64. Paul’s Defence of the Faith
65. “I Was Free Born”
66. Paul and His Enemies
67. “The Way Which They Call Heresy”
68. “The Resurrection of the Dead”
69. Deadly Procrastination
70. Jesus Affirmed to Be Alive
71. The Resurrection of Christ – an Affirmed Fact
72. Paul’s Testimony Before Agrippa
73. “For this Purpose”
74. Gospel Preachers and God’s Salvation
75. Almost Persuaded, But Altogether Lost
76. Preparation For the Storm
77. Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
78. “I Believe God”
79. “Be of Good Cheer”
80. The Religion of the Natural Man
81. “We Found Brethren”
82. “The Hope of Israel”
83. “Some Believed and Some Believed Not”
84. What Happens When People Reject the Gospel?
85. Paul’s Last Two Years