Stevens The Rainbow In The Cloud contents
The Wilderness Wanderer by John East
Christ, a Man of Sorrows by Edward Payson
Songs in the Night Season by William Bacon Stevens
The Weaned Child! by Octavius Winslow
The Well-Spring in the Desert by James Buchanan (prayer in times of affliction)
Jesus Veiling His Dealings by Octavius Winslow
The Chastening Rod in the Father’s Hand by James Buchanan
Uses of Chastisement by James W. Alexander
The Stones of the Heavenly Temple Prepared on Earth by William Bacon Stevens
Covenant Promises Seen Through Tears by William Bacon Stevens
Silent Suffering by Philip Doddridge
Christ at Bethany by Robert Candlish
The Noontide Eclipse by William Bacon Stevens
The Setting Sun by William Bacon Stevens
Christ the Keyholder of the Eternal World by James Buchanan
The Compassionate High Priest by William Bacon Stevens
The Sun Going Down While Yet Day by John Newton
The White-Robed Throng! by Henry Venn
The Refuge from the Storm by Robert Leighton