Thomas Newberry (1881-1901)
01 Types of the Tabernacle
02 Types of the Temple
00.01 Biography of Thomas Newberry
Types of the Tabernacle
by Thomas Newberry
01.01 Introduction: Materials: Metals, Colours, Coverings.
01.02 Oil for the Light: Spices, Sweet Incense
01.03 God’s Holy Dwelling Place: Ark of Covenant
01.04 Propitiatory and the Cherubim: Table of Shewbread
01.05 The Lampstand
01.06 The Curtains of the Tabernacle
01.07 The Boards
01.08 The Bars
01.09 The Vail
01.10 The Brazen Altar
01.11 The Court of the Tabernacle
01.12 The Hangings of the Court
01.13 The Golden Altar of Incense
01.14 The Laver and its Foot
01.15 Directions for setting up the Tabernacle
01.16 The Tabernacle set up (The Overshadowing Cloud and the Indwelling Glory)
Types of the Temple
by Thomas Newberry
02.01 Introduction, God’s earthly dwelling-places
02.02 The temples of scripture
02.03 Preparations for the temple
02.04 The foundation platform
02.05 The measurements and structure
02.06 The stones of the temple
02.07 The woodwork and carvings; The overlaying and garnishing
02.08 The doors and vail; The cherubim; The ark of the covenant
02.09 Plate of the holy place and holiest of all
The altar of incense; The tables of showbread; The golden lampstands
The golden and silver vessels; The two pillars
02.10 The brazen sea and lavers; The brazen altar and the sacrifices
The courts and gates; The holy portion of the land; The temple of Solomon filled with glory
02.11 Answers to questions
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Placed into E-Sword TOPX format by David Cox,
Public Domain.