Cox W.E. The Bible without Comment a single chapter work is an excellent criticism of the first version of the Scofield Reference Bible, being a leveling of adding opinions and comments to the actual text of the Bible, making a semi-canonical type of presentation. Indeed, many people today consider Scofield’s Notes almost as inspired as the original Scriptures. This is a definite read for every Christian.
The Bible Without Comment
By William E. Cox*
Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.
(Pro 30:5-6 ESV)
This single chapter work is an excellent criticism of the first version of the Scofield Reference Bible, being a leveling of adding opinions and comments to actual text of the Bible, making a semi-canonical type of presentation. Indeed, many people today consider Scofield’s Notes almost as inspired as the original Scriptures. This is a definite read for every Christian.