by Gardiner Spring, 1845.
01. The Narrative of the Cross
02. The Truth of the Cross
03. The Cross an Effective Propitiation for Sin
04. The Cross the Only Propitiation
05. The Actual Purpose of the Cross
06. The Cross Accessible
07. The Cross a Completed Justification
08. Faith in the Cross
09. The Inquiring Sinner Directed to the Cross
10. A Stumbling-block Removed
11. The Greatness of Sin No Obstacle
to Salvation by the Cross
12. The Holiness of the Cross
13. The Religion of the Cross, in Distinction
from Religions That Are False and Spurious
14. The Cross the Test of Character
15. The Cross the Preservation from Final Apostasy
16. Full Assurance of Hope at the Cross
17. The World Crucified by the Cross
18. All Things Tributary to the Cross
19. The Cross the Admiration of the Universe
20. The Triumphs of the Cross
21. The Sinner’s Excuses Refuted by the Cross
22. The Cross Rejected, the Great Sin
23. Conclusion