Basic Bible Doctrine
By Don Fortner
This is a 78 chapter Bible Doctrines Book by Don Fortner (Calvinist-Reformed, Baptist).
Table of Contents
1. Why Study Doctrine
2. The Word Of God
3. God Is
4. The Unfathomable Mystery of the Trinity
5. The Names of the Lord
6. Jehovah-God’s Covenant, Redemptive Name
7. The Attributes of God
8. Our Heavenly Father
9. _The Doctrine of Christ_
10. The Son of God Our Savior
11. The Person And Work Of God The Holy Spirit
12. Predestination
13. The Sovereignty of God
14. The Purpose Of God
15. The Everlasting Covenant
16. The Character Of The Covenant
17. The Will of God
18. _Things Which Become Sound Doctrine_Tit_2:1-15
19. Creation
20. The Creation of Man
21. God’s Covenant with Adam
22. The Sin and Fall of Our Father Adam
23. Spiritual Death
24. Total Depravity
25. Election
26. Adoption
27. Five Old Testament Pictures Of Redemption
28. Effectual Atonement
29. The Free Obedience of Christ
30. The Cause of Our Redemption By Christ_All things are of God._
31. _Thy Savior And Thy Redeemer_
32. Why Did Christ Die?
33. For Whom Did Christ Die?
34. The Blasphemies Of Universal Atonement
35. Stumbling Stones or Stair Steps?
36. The Satisfaction Of Christ
37. Three Aspects Of Christ’s Satisfaction
38. Reconciliation
39. Fourfold Justification
40. It is God the Justifieth
41. The Blessed Forgiveness of Sin
42. Questions About Forgiveness
43. _The Glorious Liberty Of The Children Of God
44. _Ye Are Sanctified_
45. _Ye Must Be Born Again._
46. The Preaching of The Gospel”For many are called, but few are chosen” Mat 22:14
47. What Is It To Preach The Gospel?
48. _The Heavenly Calling_
49. The Called
50. The Character of the Call
51. Conversion
52. _They Shall Never Perish_
54. _Your Salvation_
55. Divine Providence; That Which Quietens Our Fears
56. The Providence Of God
57. _Christ Is The End Of The Law__Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone tha…
58. How and to whom is Christ the End of the law?”For Christ is the end of the law for righteousn…
59. _Wherefore Then Serveth The Law?_
60. The Purpose Of God’s Holy Law
61. _When The Commandment Came_”For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment ca…
62. Blessed Sabbath Rest
63. The Sabbath That Remains
64. When Can We _Call The Sabbath A Delight_?
65. The Church of God
66. Three Gospel Ordinances
67. Grace and Glory
68. Where Have They Gone? What Are They Doing There?
69. The Second Coming Of Christ
70. When Jesus Comes
71. Will There Be Degrees Of Reward In Heaven?
72. No Tears-No Exceptions
73. Believers And Their Crowns
74. The Great White Throne Judgment
75. Four Great Dangers
76. When God Gets Done
77. The End
© Don Fortner 2007. All rights reserved.
My desire is not to restrict, but to further the use of the materials in this book. Any part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording with prior permission. mechanical, or otherwise,
Don Fortner 2734 Old Stanford Road Danville, KY 40422
We are living in a day when many truths are preached, but little Truth is preached. The woman, who was possessed with a spirit of divination in Act 16:16-17, serves as an illustration of this. When she said, “These be the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation,” she spoke truths. They were the servants of the most high God who did show the way of salvation. There is no error in that statement. But she never spoke the Truth! There is an infinite difference between speaking truths and the Truth!
Basic Bible Doctrine stays true to its title. The Bible has only one doctrine – The doctrine of Christ. The doctrine of Christ consists of many doctrines, which stand together as the doctrine of Christ. All of these doctrines are essential, and if any of these doctrines are omitted, distorted, or separated, it is no longer the doctrine of Christ. Break one link in the chain, and the whole chain is broken. In this book Pastor Fortner clearly presents the doctrine of Christ as a unified whole, in a warm and readable style. In these pages, I was both instructed and encouraged by seeing the completeness of the salvation that is in Christ Jesus. What Pastor Fortner says regarding the redemptive work of Christ and the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit is particularly needed in our day. I believe those who read these pages will profit greatly. If God is pleased to bless it, we will not merely learn truths, but the Truth!
Pastor Todd Nibert
Todds Road Grace Church
Lexington, Kentucky (USA)