B Authors e-Sword Modules
This Card Catalogue Index page is a complete listing of all the posts on the website (excluding the announcement type posts), organized by author’s last name, then the title of the work. .
AA | BB | CC | DD | EE | FF | GG | HH | II | JJ | KK | LL | MM | NN | OO | PP | QR | SS | TT | UVWXYZ
- Announcement from the Webmaster
- 101 Cleared-Up Contradictions in the Bible
- 101 Cleared-Up Contradictions in the Bible
- 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia
- A Authors eSword Modules
- Abbott, J.S.C. – The Child at Home
- Abraham Chapters on Jewish Literature
- Adeney, W.F. – Women of the New Testament
- Alexander Archives
- Alexander, A. – 46 Sermons by Archibald Alexander
- Anderson-Sir-Robert-Works-of-Sir-Robert-Anderson
- Ante-Nicene-Fathers-Volume-1-9
- Anthology-of-3000-Sermons
- Arthur A Dollar on the Conscience!
- Arthur Timothy Shay Archives
- Augustine On the Trinity Books I and II
- Augustine-Works-Volumes-1-8
- Austin-Sparks The Mission, the Meaning and the Message of Jesus Christ
- Austin-Sparks Theodore Archives
- Austin-Sparks, T. – The Power of His Resurrection
- Baines the Hope of the Church
- Barclay, R. – An Apology for the True Christian Divinity
- Bates – Four Last Things
- Berkhof Louis Sanctification
- Berkhof, Louis – Introduction to the New Testament
- Berkhof, Louis – Summary of Christian Doctrine
- Best Christ Could Not Be Tempted
- Bliss A Brief Commentary on the Apocalypse (Revelation)
- Boardman The Higher Christian Life
- Boettner Calvinism in History
- Boettner Perseverance of the Saints
- Boettner Post Millennialism
- Boettner Salvation by Grace
- Boettner Unconditional Election
- Boettner, L. – Limited Atonement
- Bonar Andrew Development of the Antichrist
- Bonar Bethlehem and its Good News
- Bonar Horatius Everlasting Righteousness (1873)
- Bonar, Horatius – 43 Poems
- BonarH – Words to Winners of Souls (Evangelism)
- Boston, Thomas – Human Nature in its Fourfold State
- Bounds, E.M. – Essentials of Prayer
- Bounds, E.M. – Necessity of Prayer
- Bounds, E.M. – Possibilities of Prayer
- Bounds, E.M. – Prayer and Praying Men
- Bounds, E.M. – Purpose in Prayer
- Boyce – Abstract of Systematic Theology
- Brooks Golden Key to Open Hidden Treasures
- Brooks Jews and Passion for Palestine in the Light of Prophecy
- Brooks The Transcendent Excellency of a Believer’s Portion above All Earthly Portions
- Brooks, T. – A Cabinet of Choice Jewels
- Brooks, Thomas – Choice Excerpts from Thomas Brook’s Works no file
- Brooks, Thomas – Words of counsel to a dear dying friend
- Brown The Seven Myths of Denominationalism
- Bunyan, John – A Book for Boys and Girls; Temporal Things Spiritualized
- Bunyan, John – Fear of God, the
- Burroughs The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
- Byrum The value of a praying mother
- Calvin, John – Institutes of the Christian Religion
- Candlish, R.S. – The Prayer of a Broken Heart (Psa 51)
- Carm.org – Bible Maps
- Carm.org – The Atonement
- Carradine, B. – Beulah Land
- Carroll, B.H. – The Way of the Cross
- Chafer – Doctrine of Salvation theWord
- Chafer – Major Bible Themes [t] [m]
- Chafer He that is Spiritual
- Chafer Satan
- Chapman Ivory Palace of the King
- Chapman Wilbur Personal Touch
- Chapman Your Life — Make the Most of It
- Chapman, J. Wilbur – Secret of a Happy Day
- Chapman, J.B. – Holiness Triumphant And Other Sermons
- Charnock A Discourse of Delight In Prayer
- Chesterton Club of Queer Trades
- Cheung Vincent – Prayer and Revelation
- Cheung, Vincent – Systematic Theology
- Cheung, Vincent – Ultimate Questions
- Clark, J.W. – The Care of Books
- Clarke Christian Courtship
- Clowe Miracles of Jesus Christ
- Cox Articles on Eschatology v1
- Cox D.R. Anthology on Prayer Vol 1
- Cox W.E. The Bible without Comment
- Cox, D.R. – Worshipping Mary the Mother of Jesus
- Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit
- Dabney Against Musical Instruments in Public Worship
- Dabney, R.L. – Repentance
- Dagg Doctrine of God
- Dagg Manual of Theology v. 1-2
- Dagg Water Baptism
- Dake Reference Bible Notes
- Darby Hopes of the Church of God
- David Cox Works Prayer TOPX
- Davies, Samuel – Sermons
- Deffinbaugh To Live is Christ Philippians
- Dennett The Everlasting Way
- Dennett, E. – Exodus part 2, Exo. 25 – 40.
- Denney, J. – Expositor’s Bible Vol 43 1 & 2 Thess
- Denney, J. – The Atonement and the Modern Mind
Books where the Author’s Last name begins with B
This library houses books in the format of “modules” which are used with the Free Bible Program, e-Sword. You can download the program from e-sword.net. You must have the program installed before these modules will be useful to you. I am not actively supporting e-Sword because the free Bible program, theWord is better (downloaded from theWord.net).
Note that Rick Meyers has made a major shift in the formats between his version 8 and version 9. I believe it was to update the format from a straight Access database format (very old and dated) to a more modern SQL type database format. Anyway, you must convert e-Sword version 8 modules before they are readable in e-Sword versions 9 and up.
Currently, from what I see on e-Sword.net, they are in version number 11. With version 11, again Rick (Baskin-Robins 31 flavors) Meyers has again changed the database format to html. As such, that means that all the previous e-Sword formats for modules will shortly become unreadable. Really people, think about this! His reason is so that poetry can be properly formatted in a module. theWord has had the same basic format since the beginning and you have always had poetry properly formats in theWord Bibles. What is wrong with e-Sword is the Rick doesn’t know how to program code I think. These changes destroy his users, and people who make modules for e-Sword are constantly throwing away all the work that they do for Rick. You should change over to theWord now.
So I am uploading these e-Sword format module files to this website. Note that there are other Bible programs out there, and a lot of them have conversion programs from e-Sword module format into other formats. This is the main reason I am hosting this website. Because of this, I am also adding e-Sword version 8 modules. I am not producing them, but I have them in my archives from way back when I was working in e-Sword. As such some of these e-Sword version 9 files do not convert (Bibles) so it is necessary to have the version 8 to convert them.
This website is basically dedicated to e-Sword Top and Ref file formats. I would also recommend that you visit theword-modules.com which despite its name, I am using it for Bible modules for theWord, e-Sword, and MySword. I will put the Bibles for e-Sword there. I am also collecting all the commentaries of all formats on theword-dictionary-modules.com, and Dictionaries on theword-dictionary-modules.com. The reason for my separating out these types of modules is because as the library grows larger and larger, the website cannot handle so many pages and downloads, and this forces me to have to pay for a more expensive dedicated hosting service, so the idea is to keep my costs down. Very few people donate to this effort so please consider a donation of any amount to help out with the financial burden of providing these files for free for YOU!