Sermons of George Whitefield
Tag: dn
Davidson, A.B. – Theology of the Old Testament
by Andrew Bruce Davidson D.D., LL.D., LiTT.D. Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis New College, Edinburgh New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons (1904) Published May, 1904
In this large work (76 chapters), Davidson (a Hebrew Professor) divides the theology of the OT into 11 divisions: The Science of Old Testament Theology; The Doctrine of God the Divine Nature; The Doctrine of God the Spirit; The Doctrine of God the Divine Attributes; The Doctrine of Man; The Doctrine of Man Sin; The Doctrine of Redemption; Doctrine of Redemption Suprahuman Good and Evil; Doctrine of Redemption-Priesthood and Atonement; The Doctrine of the Last Things the Messianic Idea; Doctrine of the Last Things Immortality.
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Spurgeon, C.H. – Faith’s Checkbook
Faith’s Checkbook
By Charles Haddon Spurgeon
This is a devotional work by Spurgeon, using the image of a checkbook which stands in the place of money until some future time when the “check is cashed” likewise our faith is like that checkbook.
Josephus, Flavius – Antiquities of the Jews
This is basically like Josephus’ commentary on the Jews, from the Old Testament history in the Bible up through his day.
Newberry Types of Levitical Offerings
Newberry Types of Levitical Offerings
by Thomas Newberry