The Gospel of the King
by Meyer, Frederick Brotherton
This work Meyer Gospel of the King by Pastor Meyer is a selection of various thoughts about Christ and His message or Gospel.
Ironside, H.A. – Great Words of the Gospel is a 10 chapter work by Brethren author, Harry Ironside. Chapters run Regeneration, Redemption, Substitution, Justification, Sanctification, Intercession, Resurrection, Expectation, Manifestation, and Glorification.
The Gospel of the King
by Meyer, Frederick Brotherton
This work Meyer Gospel of the King by Pastor Meyer is a selection of various thoughts about Christ and His message or Gospel.
By J. R. Miller, 1904
In Austin-Sparks The Mission, the Meaning and the Message of Jesus Christ Austin-Sparks (Deeper Life) goes into the ministry of Christ in the NT books.
by T. Austin-Sparks
From “A Witness and A Testimony” magazines, 1969-1970 (Volumes 47-1 – 48-6) preceded by the following note from Mr Sparks: “The following is the first of four messages given by the editor at the Aeschi (Switzerland) Conference in September, 1968. They are the beginning of what may become a book to be published in due course. In editing these messages, some little additions have been made because, being given at the time in three languages, time was strictly limited.”
The prayers which precede and conclude these messages were not published in the magazines but are in the book published by Emmanuel Church with this explanation: “The prayers… were sent to us from a member of the body of Christ who attended the conference… All these prayers were prayed when brother Sparks gave this series of messages… In the reprinting of these messages we have added each prayer in the order it was breathed for the enrichment of the body of Christ.”
In this 11 chapter work, Austin-Sparks (Deeper Life) goes into the ministry of Christ in the NT books.
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The Way of the Cross:
Comprising a Luminous Discussion of Both the Law and the Gospel
By B.H. Carroll, D.D., LL.D.
For Almost Thirty Years Pastor of First Baptist Church, Waco, Texas,
and Founder and First President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas
Former President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Who for More Than Twenty-six Years Has, as President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Worn the Mantle of B. H. Carroll, its Founder, and Who, as Preacher, Teacher, Author, Financier and Leader in This Great Task, Has Successfully Piloted the Institution Through Inexpressible Hardships and Difficulties, This Book is Lovingly Dedicated.
In this 14 chapter work on the cross, Carroll (Baptist) presents us with some excellent thoughts on following Christ (the way of the cross). Among his chapters are the bewitching power of Satan, the way of Cain, Paul’s Gospel, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Christ is the end of the law, if thine eye offend them, sowing wild oats not conducive to Salvation, the case of Simon Magus, the war between the flesh and the spirit, and the evils of religious compromise.