Malan, Johan – Module Pack 1
by Johan Malan
This is a multi-pack download of 8 works by Johan Malan from South Africa. Prof. Johan Malan formerly of the University of the North in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. It includes these works: Articles on Biblical Prophecy, The Day of the Lord, The Hour of Darkness, Israel, Jesus Christ and our life in Him, The Kingdom of Satan, Messages on Pentecost, OT Law and NT Grace.
Messages on Pentecost
This is a 10 chapter work by South African Malan. It looks at different aspects of Pentecost and Spiritual warfare.
Table of Contents
00. Introduction
01. The Feast of Pentecost
02. Power from on High
03. Filled with God’s Love
04. Perseverance of the Saints
05. Spiritual Warfare
06. Victory in the Battle
07. The Correct Prophetic Perspective
08. Appearing before the Judgement Seat
09. Salvation on the Cross
10. The Marriage of the Lamb
Biblical Prophecies
This 6 chapter work is on biblical prophecies, specifically, the Antichrist and endtime judgments, the important sign of Israel and Jerusalem, the role of Christ and His Word, Challenges in the Spiritual Battle, Judgments upon Believers, and the Future Expectation of Believers.
Preface (below)
Section A: The Antichrist and End-time Judgements
Section B: The Important Sign of Israel and Jerusalem
Section C: The Role of Christ and His Word
Section D: Challenges in the Spiritual Battle
Section E: Judgements Upon Unbelievers
Section F: The Future Expectation of Believers
About the Author (below)
The Day of the Lord
This is a 20 chapter commentary on the book of Revelation by Johan Malan (from South Africa).
00. Preface
01. Introduction to the Book of Revelation
02. Revelation of the Glorified Christ
03. The Church on Earth
04. The Church in Heaven
05. The Judgement Seat of Christ
06. The Seven Seals
07. Salvation in the Hour of Darkness
08. The Seven Trumpets
09. The Temple and Two Witnesses
10. The Escape of Israel
11. The Antichrist’s Reign of Terror
12. Characteristics of the Antichrist
13. The False Prophet
14. The Seven Bowl Judgements
15. Religious Babylon
16. Economic Babylon
17. The Second Coming of Christ
18. Christ’s Reign of Peace
19. The Final Judgement and the New Creation
20. A Strategy for Survival
This is a 12 chapter work by Malan (from South Africa) on Israel. Chapters run Calling-Dispersion-Restoration, landmarks, Palestine or Israel? Faithful Remnant, The Messiah, The False Messiah, the time of Jacob’s trouble, rebuilding the temple, the spiritual significance of Jerusalem, Jerusalem city of Rock, the Feasts of Israel, our relationship with Israel
01. Calling, Dispersion and Restoration
02. Landmarks on the Way Back
03. Palestine or Israel?
04. The Faithful Remnant
05. The Messiah
06. The False Messiah
07. The Time of Jacob’s Trouble
08. Rebuilding of the Temple
09. The Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem
10. Jerusalem, the City of Rock
11. The Feasts of Israel
12. Our Relationship with Israel
13. References
Jesus Christ and Our Life in Him
This is a 10 chapter work from Malan (from South Africa). His chapters run God incarnate, Sonship and Deity, Atoning Death, Centre of our Existence, Love, Commands and Promises, Our Life in Christ, the King who Comes Again, Marriage of the Lamb, and the Excellence of the Messiah.
01. God Incarnate
02. The Sonship and Deity of the Lord Jesus
03. The Atoning Death of the Lamb of God
04. The Centre of our Existence
05. Love as a Principle of Life
06. Commands and Promises
07. Our Life in Christ
08. The King who Comes Again
09. Marriage of the Lamb
10. Excellence of the Messiah
11. References / About the author
The Kingdom of Satan
This is a 10 chapter work by Malan from South Africa on the kingdom of Satan. It includes chapters on Satan’s Fall, different spiritual environments, demonic attacks, modus operandi of Demons, the antichrist, and spiritual warfare.
Preface (below)
1. Satan’s Fall
2. The Kingdom of Satan
3. Different Spiritual Environments
4. Demonic Attacks on Believers’ Faith
5. Slaves of Sin
6. The Modus Operandi of Demons
7. Thirteen-point Plan to Seize Control of the World
8. Rise of the Antichrist
9. The False Prophet
10. Spiritual Warfare
About the author
The OT Law and the NT Grace
This is an eight chapter work by Malan (from South Africa). His chapters run the law of God, the Grace of Christ, dangers of Judaising, the Jewish Sabbath or Christian Sunday? Seventh-Day Adventists, Christian Fundamentalism, and New Life in Christ
00. Summary
01. Introduction
02. The Law of God
03. The Grace of Christ
04. The Dangers of Judaising
05. The Jewish Sabbath or the Christian Sunday?
06. The Seventh-day Adventists
07. Christian Fundamentalism
08. The New Life in Christ
Hour of Darkness
This is a 10 chapter work on Revelation. Chapters run Glorified Christ, Dispensation of the Church, Caught Up! Antichrist, Revival of Babylon, Israel during the tribulation, wars-plagues-natural-disasters, It is Finished! and a Biblical Strategy for Spiritual Survival.
01.The Glorified Christ
02. The Dispensation of the Church
03. Caught Up!
04. The Antichrist
05. Revival of Babylon
06. Israel During the Tribulation
07. Wars, Plagues and Natural Disasters
08. The Kingdom of the Messiah and the New Creation
09. It is Finished!
10. A Biblical Strategy for Spiritual Survival
Download (62 downloads )About the Author
In August 1978, Johan Malan was appointed professor of Anthropology at the University of the North (presently the University of Limpopo) near Polokwane in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, and in January 2006 he retired. He and his wife now live in Mossel Bay. They have two married sons.
As the son of a missionary, the late Rev. J.S. Malan of the Dutch Reformed Church, Johan, from a very young age, received thorough training in the Bible at home. This knowledge gave rise to an experience of rebirth which he had in 1972, when he surrendered his life completely to the Lord Jesus. He regards himself as an evangelical Christian who observes the literal, grammatical-historical method of interpreting the Bible. Even where symbols are used in Scripture, he maintains that they mostly have a literal antitype, e.g. the Lamb which refers to Christ, the beast with the seven heads, which is a metaphoric description of the Antichrist, and the dragon which is a symbol of the devil.
Johan has adapted his academic career to his Christian worldview, and consequently did not accept or teach the theory of biological evolution. Through self-study he further qualified himself in theology and started a part-time Christian ministry. His Christian outreaches are interdenominational, mainly by way of the Internet, but also through the distribution of books and other publications in printed form, and he visits organised groups on invitation. On his website are currently articles and books in eight languages: English, Afrikaans, Portuguese, Swahili, Finnish, Estonian, German, and Russian.
As a cultural anthropologist, and also as a Bible scholar, Johan took a special interest in the people of Israel. In 1993, he and his wife visited various kibbutzim in Israel, where he conducted research on communal farming and also wrote two articles on this subject for a scientific journal (Malan, 1994, 1995). At the same time, Johan made contact with Messianic Jews in Israel. One of them later translated his book on Israel into Russian, mainly for distribution among the large number of Russian-speaking Jews who immigrated to Israel. Visits to Finland and Estonia gave rise to the translation of some of his books into Finnish and Estonian.
Johan’s interest in Christology is mainly based upon the clear, Biblical teaching on who Jesus Christ is and what he has done in the interest of our salvation. The relevance of a study of this nature has increased due to the growing movement in favour of a “historical Jesus” who does not have the divine attributes which the Bible ascribes to the true Jesus. It is in the interest of each of us to gain clarity on this very important matter.
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