The Four Last Things
Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell
William Bates, 1691
I. Proofs of Christ’s deity.
How the devil is said to have the power of death.
An account of death’s entrance into the world.
II. What the fear of death includes.
The passion of fear in general.
The special causes that make death so fearful.
The bondage of men from the fear of death.
Reasons why men do not always feel this fear.
III. How the death of Christ frees us from the tormenting fear of death.
It redeems us from the curse, makes death a blessed advantage, frees the saints from afflictions, and obtains for them the highest positive good.
IV. Why believers are subject to death since the sting of it is taken away.
They die that sinful frailties may be abolished, that their graces may be exercised, and because the natural body is incapable of a celestial divine life.
Their resurrection is delayed until the coming of Christ.
Proofs of the certainty of their resurrection.
V. The qualifications of those who have a right to this privilege.
Union with Christ is absolutely requisite.
The Spirit is the bond of this union.
He illuminates the understanding, inspires love to God, and communicates power to do the divine will.
VI. Application of the subject.
How great are our obligations to the Redeemer.
It should be our great business to overcome the fear of death.
Necessity of reconciliation with God.
The danger of delaying repentance.
VII. Application continued.
The desperate hazard of trusting to sick-bed and death-bed repentances.
Such instances very few, and extremely uncertain.
VIII. Application concluded.
Rules how death may be rendered comfortable.
The duties of dying saints.
I. The coherence of the text.
Divine prerogative to judge the world.
Qualifications of Christ for that office.
Why the day of Judgment is called the great day.
II. The equity of the divine law which will be the rule of judgment.
III. The wisdom and justice of God in ordaining eternal death to be the punishment of sin.
IV. The evidence of facts produced as the reason of judgment.
The books will be opened, divine omniscience will give evidence, conscience will bear testimony, and numerous witnesses will appear.
The impartiality of the sentence.
V. Application of the subject.
The certainty of a future judgment.
It is a vindication of the proceedings of providence, a comfort to the saints under persecution, a restraint from secret sins, a remedy for sensual temptations, and a motive of terror to the wicked.
VI. Application concluded.
Preparatives for the last judgment.
Faith in Christ.
Sincere obedience.
Improvement of talents.
Zeal for the cause of Christ.
Love to the saints.
I. The divine presence is the felicity of the saints.
The glory of the place described.
The happiness of Heaven illustrated by sensible representations.
II. In Heaven there is an exemption from all evils, and the enjoyment of all blessings.
III. The vision of God in Heaven.
His works and word, his decrees and counsels will be revealed to the blessed.
IV. Effects of the vision of God.
A glorious likeness.
Humble veneration of His excellencies.
Ardent love to Him.
V. Union with God and its effects.
Perfect knowledge.
Pure love.
Supreme joy.
VI. Communion with saints and angels.
The felicity of Heaven is everlasting.
VII. The felicity of Heaven is not diminished by number of its possessor.
If continues forever.
The application.
The woeful folly of sinners in refusing this happiness.
It originates in the mercy of God, and is obtained obedience of Christ.
VIII. The qualifications of those who shall obtain Heaven.
The nature and necessity of regeneration, and sanctification.
IX. The necessity of faith in Christ.
We must choose Heaven as our supreme happiness.
This choice must be sincere.
X. Our choice of Heaven must be lasting.
The properties of saving perseverance.
XI. Directions how to fix our choice aright upon the felicity of Heaven.
XII. On the steadfast belief, and serious consideration of eternal realities.
XIII. Objects which give vigor to the serious consideration of the soul, and determine it to choose Heaven.
XIV. Additional motives to encourage us to seek the kingdom of Heaven.
I. Exposition of the text.
The dreadful nature of future punishment.
II. The eternal duration of future punishment.
III. Practical inferences.
The mercy of God in salvation.
The depravity of sinners.
The wages of sin.
Our infinite obligations to Jesus Christ.
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