The Exalted Christ
by Frederick Brotherton Meyers
This short book reflects on Jesus Christ, examining the centrality of Christ in the Bible, especially focusing on Christ in the OT, and Christ as the central purpose of God. It also examines Christ as the Capitan of our Salvation.
1. Christ the Key to the Old Testament.
2. Love of Christ which Passeth all understanding
3. The Eternal Purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
4. Future Tenses of the Blessed Life: The Second Man, Our Lord
5. Capitan of our Salvation.
Before our honoured brother, Mr. F. B. Meyer, held a pastorate in London he was a welcome speaker in some of our Mildmay Conferences. Nor has he ceased to bring thither “acceptable words,” both in public addresses and in Bible Readings. The following pages contain the substance of some of the spiritual instruction that the heart and lips of our friend and fellow-helper; and we believe the reader will be able to say, “That which was written was upright, even words of truth.” (Ecclesiastes 12:10.) I have much pleasure in commending these readings, which aim at glorifying Jesus Christ our Lord.
J E Mathieson
I YIELD to the persuasion of my friend, the publisher, for the publication of these Addresses and Bible Readings, delivered in succeeding years at the Mildmay Conference, though, as I review them, they seem very like the five barley loaves and two small fish of the fisher-lad.
Indulgence must also be asked for the style, which is rather more ragged than I like, because the Addresses were taken down by the shorthand writer as I spoke them. They are neither silver nor gold, but such as I have.
Mildmay has too large a claim on those of us who love evangelical truth and consecrated work to he allowed to ask twice for any help that we can give; and it is a real gratification to be able, through this little volume, to do anything for the funds of her great institutions.
“As the Author, so also the subject of the whole Bible is one. ‘The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.’ The testimony of Jesus is in like manner the spirit of every portion of Holy Scripture. Whatever the letter may be, whether it be Patriarchal narrative, or Mosaic type, or Prophetic poetry, or Evangelical parable, or Apostolical argument, or Apocalyptic vision, it bears to Jesus. He is the First and Last; the ‘Lamb without blemish and without spot, who verily was fore-ordained before the foundation of the world’; the seed of the woman; the seed of Abraham; the Son of David; the Priest, the Sacrifice, the Branch, the Shepherd, the King; the Alpha and Omega; the encyclopedia of Revelation.”
“The great drift of the Old Testament prophecy is ‘ the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.’ (1 Peter 1:11.) Of course the prophets foretold a great many other things, but the two great outstanding topics of the Old Testament Scripture undoubtedly are these. In the mind of the living God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, these were the great themes–the only great themes, as it were, to occupy the minds and hearts of those inspired.”